New Orleans Passenger Lists February 1847

Compiled by Joe Beine

The names here are from the WPA Transcripts for February 1847 and represent only a small portion of the total arrivals. If you believe your ancestor arrived in New Orleans in the first quarter of 1847 (Jan-March) and you do not find them listed on these pages you should check the New Orleans Quarterly Abstracts microfilm.

These lists are transcribed from National Archives Microfilm Roll #M2009-2 for 1847. See the source notes below.

Main Page | January 1847 | February 1847 (this page) | March 1847

Date Vessel Embarked Passengers
February 1 Brig Brazil Rio de Janeiro Mr. Krofft [?]
February 5 Brig C. Wright Havana Capt. Brights [?]
February 9 Schooner I.S. Cabot St. Kitts Mr. & Mrs. Twedle & child
Salm Charles
February 13 Brig P. Soule Havana C.H. Harispe
G.W. Murdock
P.M. Hirst
T.H. Mellon
A. Stillman
C.F. Lungevin
C. Joly
Eliza Darque
Jose Fernandez
A. Fernandez
February 13 Brig Salvadora Havana William T. Bryan
William T. Byrns
R.H. Eilis
A. Pierce
Joseph Frances
Joseph Sarralbas
Helen Struch
Antonio Fernandy
February 20 Brig Seaman Port au Prince Jos. Morean
John Jury
G. Andreane
V. Lesapier
L. Allard
February 22 Ship Mary Pleasants Marseilles Jose Ortiz
Pio Marzini
Joseph Magdalan
Rosa Marzini
Tarisa Marzini
Luiss Sivina
Carolina Marzini
Torbio Arauzo
Maria Sivina
Louis Sivina
Givome Savini [A.W.]
February 25 Brig Conradine Bremen, Hull & Cadiz Mr. Drooge
February 25 Bark Pioneer Rio de Janeiro Samuel Secreton
C. Roussely

New Orleans Main Page | January 1847 | March 1847

Source: This transcription is from...

Microfilm: Work Projects Administration Transcript of Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New Orleans, Lousiana, 1813-1849 (NARA Microfilm Publication M2009/2 rolls). Roll 2, Vol. 3, pages 294-296

For details about this series of microfilm see: Resources for Finding New Orleans Passenger Lists

For an online New Orleans index see: New Orleans Passenger Lists Guide 1820-1963

Every effort was made to accurately transcribe these records. But errors may have been made. You may wish to consult the original source..

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