Ship Manchester Passenger List

Le Havre to New Orleans January 1845

Transcribed by Joe Beine

Ship Manchester
Arrived in New Orleans 9 January 1845 from Le Havre, France
Ship Master: Bosworth

This passenger list is available from two different sources - both are included here - see the source notes below.

The Passenger List from the Quarterly Abstracts
A. de Chantillon (33, M, Merchant, France)
A. D. Lausot (42, M, Merchant, France)
Victor Wallack (20, M, Merchant, Germany)
Moriss Kaufman (26, M, Merchant, France)
Benjamin Mayer (24, M, Merchant, Germany)
Moriss Mosby (20, M, Merchant, Germany)
Barbe Zimbelman (22, F, Laborer, Germany)
Samuel Wertheimer (66, M, Laborer, Germany)
Adam Spohn (?, M, Laborer, Germany)
Eliza Spohn (?, F, Laborer, Germany)
Jacob Spohn (28?, M, Laborer, Germany)
Maria Spohn (15, F, Laborer, Germany)
Joseph Spohn (13, M, Laborer, Germany)
Gaspard Wiedmin (24, M, Laborer, Germany)
Val(n) [Valentin] Haubel (30, M, Laborer, Germany)
Anna Haubel (24, F, Laborer, Germany)
Reinhard Haubel (7, M, No Occupation, Germany)
Jean Haubel (3, M, No Occupation, Germany)
Solornia Haubel (2, M, No Occupation, Germany)
Cath. Limpelman (23, F, Laborer, Germany)
Baptist Herman (22, M, Laborer, Germany)
Wilhelm Gutting (34, M, Laborer, Germany)
Barbe Gutting (20, F, Laborer, Germany)
Franz Ripp (20, M, Laborer, Germany)
Jacob Decker (19, M, Laborer, Germany)
Ignace Tauth (29, M, Laborer, Germany)
Anne Tauth (20, F, Laborer, Germany)
Joseph Merlian (29, M, Laborer, Germany)
Henry Alos (24, M, Laborer, Germany)
Gottlieb Geller (17, M, Laborer, Germany)
Lorenz Siffert (27, M, Laborer, Germany)
Therese Siffert (27, F, Laborer, Germany)
Jacob Fischer (27, M, Laborer, Germany)
Clara Fischer (21, F, Laborer, Germany)
Kaufman Hess (24, M, Laborer, Germany)
Jeta Kohn (20, M, Laborer, Germany)
Gerson Hess (24, M, Laborer, Germany)
Antoine Allerin (32, M, Laborer, Germany)
Jean Bucher (36, M, Laborer, Germany)
Cath. Bucher (36, F, Laborer, Germany)
George Bucher (10, M, No Occupation, Germany)
Cath. Bucher (7, F, No Occupation, Germany)
Agathe Bucher (4, F, No Occupation, Germany)
Apolis Bucher (1, F, No Occupation, Germany)
Marie Walter (21, F, Laborer, Germany)
Eva Embing (21, F, Laborer, Germany)
Jacques Sutter (32, M, Laborer, Germany)
Apolinia Sutter (12, F, Laborer, Germany)
Cath. Sutter (10, F, No Occupation, Germany)
Marg. Sutter (5, F, No Occupation, Germany)
Ether [Esther?] Sutter (3, F, No Occupation, Germany)
Henry Sutter (2, M, No Occupation, Germany)
George Marilion (44, M, Farmer, Germany)
Jean Durcion (24, M, Farmer, Germany)
Math. Leelinger (24, M, Farmer, Germany)
Moritz Frank (18, M, Farmer, Germany)
  Levi Kam [Karn] (22, M, Farmer, Germany)
Jacob Altsheil (22, M, Laborer, Germany)
Jacob Kaesler (26, M, Laborer, Germany)
Louis Jonker (40, M, Laborer, Germany)
William Elliot (42, M, Laborer, England)
Jage Shuster [Schuster] (23, M, Laborer, Germany)
Thomas Freyler (25, M, Laborer, Germany)
Jean Freyler (20, M, Laborer, Germany)
Fred Hossle? (25, M, Laborer, Germany)
Joseph Tannuer [Tannier] (37, M, Laborer, France)
Jean Kiess [Kriess?] (44, M, Laborer, Germany)
Jean Branger (33, M, Laborer, Germany)
Werner Pfeninger [Pfenniger] (26, M, Laborer, Germany)
Heinr. Roydagust (54, M, Laborer, Germany)
Ferd. Zimmershid [Zimmershied] (33, M, Laborer, Germany)
Phillipe Zimmershid (30, M, Laborer, Germany)
Carl Zimmershid (10, M, Laborer, Germany)
Philip Zimmershid (9, M, Laborer, Germany)
Adam Zimmershid (8, M, Laborer, Germany)
Lewis Zimmershid (6, M, No Occupation, Germany)
Elise Zimmershid (3, M, No Occupation, Germany)
Eliza Zimmershid (1, M, No Occupation, Germany)
Samuel Broemer (38, M, Merchant, Germany)
Jeannette Broemer (35, F, No Occupation, Germany)
Salomon Broemer (1, M, No Occupation, Germany)
Luis Winny (41, M, Merchant, France)
Quentin Perrier (67, M, Farmer, France)
Urbain Chevrolet (24, M, Laborer, France)
Pauline Chevrolet (31, F, Laborer, France)
Louis Garnier (40, M, Merchant, France)
O. F. Eckwearzel [*] (25, M, Farmer, Germany)
A. Lopsbrand [*] (25, M, Farmer, Germany)
A. Heslen [*] (20, M, Farmer, Germany)
C. W. Gronquist [*] (25, M, Farmer, Germany)
Justin Coghalinon [*] (28, M, Farmer, Germany)
Isabella Coghalinon (26, M, Farmer, Germany)
Jacob Winkelman (38, M, Farmer, Germany)
Maria Winkelman (38, F, Farmer, Germany)
Jacques Winkelman (12, M, Farmer, Germany)
Maria Winkelman (10, F, No Occupation, Germany)
Elizabeth Winkelman (8, F, No Occupation, Germany)
Anna Winkelman (6, F, No Occupation, Germany)
Elize Winkelman (4, F, No Occupation, Germany)
Frederick Winkelman (2, M, No Occupation, Germany)
Ann Winkelman (1, F, No Occupation, Germany)
Charles Dussanssry (23, M, Merchant, France)
George Fisher (29, M, Farmer, France)
Kaufman Kramer (32, M, Farmer, Germany)
Edmund Benamor (19, M, Merchant, England)
Ed Wampsgan (25, M, Laborer, Germany)
Elizabeth Wampsgan (24, F, Laborer, Germany)
Cath. Zickgraft (48, F, Laborer, Germany)
Barbara Zickgraft (20, F, Laborer, Germany)
Maria Zickgraft (14, F, Laborer, Germany)
Ninette Zickgraft (25, F, Laborer, Germany)

The Passenger List from the WPA Transcripts...

A. De Arattillers
A.G. Lansot
Victor Wassach
Moise Kaufman
Benjamin Meyer
Moses Mochy
Barbe Zimblemans
Samuel Wertheimer
Adam Spohn
Caspard Wiedenin
Val. Haubel
Cath. Limpelman
Baptist Herman
Wilhelm Jutting
Franz Ripp
Jalob Decker (Jakob?)
Ignatz Trauth
Joseph Merlian
Henry Alos
Lorenz Silfert
Jakob Fischer
Kaufman Hess
Antoine Alevin
Jean Bucher
Pierre Stoertzer
Jean Moog
Friederic Guterman
Michael Boeser
Jean Funk
Joseph Buky
George Boeser
Valentin Leingang
Antoine Bentz
Simon Heltmer
Barbara Jung
Anna Hes'ch [?]
Marg. Varns'ch [?]
Maria Walter
Jacques Sutter
George Marhon
Jean Dureim
Moritz Frank
Levi Karn
Jakob Altscheil
Jakob Kaeseler
Louis Fonker
William Ellot
Sage Schuster
Thomas Freyler
Joseph Tannier
Jean Kiess
Jean Branger
Werner Pfenniger
Hieme Roydajuet
Ferd. Zimershid
Samuel Broemer
Louis Wisny
Quentin Birner
Urbain Chevrotat
Louis Garnier
O. F. Eckweazel [*]
A. Lopsbrand [*]
A. Heslin [*]
C. W. Gronquirt [*]
Justin Lohgalinon [*]
Jakob Winkelman
Charles Dussaussey
Kaufman Krämer
Edmund Benamor
Edm. Wampsgans
Cath. Zickgraff

Additional Notes on the Swedish Passengers [*]
O. F. Eckwearzel (O. F. Eckweazel) [Otto Frederik Ekwurzel, born 8 Jan 1820 in Vetlanda Parish (Jön.); died 23 Oct 1851 in Washington County, Alabama; first arrived in the U.S. on 2 Nov 1841 on the Ship Independence in New York from Liverpool]

A. Lopsbrand [Anders Jonsson Löfstand, born 25 Oct 1819, Kapparp Ölmsad Parish]

A. Heslen (A. Heslin) [Arvid Hesslén, born 3 March 1825, Brunnsgård Bäckseda Parish (Jön.)]

C. W. Gronquist (C. W. Gronquirt) [Otto Wilhelm Grönqvist, born 10 April 1819, Gärdhem Parish (Älvs)]

Justin Coghalinon (Justin Lohgalinon) [possibly Swiss]

[These notes are derived from Swedish Passenger Arrivals in the United States 1820-1850 by Nils William Olsson and Erik Wikén]

Source: This transcription is from...

Microfilm: Quarterly Abstracts of Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New Orleans, LA 1820--1875. (NARA Microfilm Series M272 - 17 Rolls). Roll 2.

Microfilm: Work Projects Administration (WPA) Transcript of Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New Orleans, Lousiana, 1813-1849 (NARA Microfilm Publication M2009); Roll 2.

For details about these microfilm publications see: Resources for Finding New Orleans Passenger Lists

For an online New Orleans index see: New Orleans Passenger Lists Guide 1820-1963

Every effort was made to accurately transcribe these records. But errors may have been made. You may wish to consult the original sources.

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