Ship James Monroe Passenger List - Liverpool to New York 1820

Ship James Monroe Passenger List

Liverpool to New York, 5 April 1820

transcribed by Joe Beine

This ship departed from Liverpool and arrived at the port of New York on 4 April 1820; the passenger list is dated 5 April; Master: James Rogers

NOTES: The passenger list is marked 5 "Feby" 1820 with "[April]" written above "Feby." But the list appears among the lists for the 2nd Quarter of 1820 (April, May, June) in the State Department Transcripts series, and it is marked 5 April by the National Archives on its title page in M237-1. Also, the State Dept. Transcripts refer to this ship as a "schooner" - this is believed to be an error.

Information about the ship's arrival from the Montreal Gazette (Wednesday, April 19, 1820): "The Packet ship James Monroe arrived at New York the 4th instant, in 30 days from Liverpool, and brings English papers of the 4th of March. In this vessel came general FRANCISCO VIVES, the Spanish ambassador, near the United States, who has been so long expected." (thanks to Harry Dodsworth for providing this additional material from the Montreal Gazette)

Transcribed from National Archives Microfilm Roll M237-1 List 89

Name Age Occupation Country to Which
They Belong
Country Which They
Intend to Inhabit
Alex Maxwell 31 Merchant Great BritainCanada
Ann Wilson 28 none Great Britain United States
Ann Wilson 4 none Great Britain United States
Eliza Wilson 2 none Great Britain United States
Helen Griffiths 23 Servant Great Britain United States
John Lawton 27 merchant Great Britain United States
Gen. Don Francisco Vives 44 Spanish Ambassador Spain Spain
M. Salmon 28 Secretary to the Ambassador Spain Spain
Don Lou Sanchez Brado (Boado ?) 25 ? Spanish Artillery Spain Spain
Don Ant. Donis 22 Lietenant Artillery Spain Spain
Sebastian Vedal 31 Servant Spain Spain
Randall Lees 26 Draper Great Britain United States
Betty Holt 26 none Great Britain United States
John Holt 4 none Great Britain United States
Jno G McIvish 36 Merchant Great Britain Canada
Joseph Wrigley 34 Merchant Great Britain United States
Thomas Burnett 48 Civil Engineer Great Britain Canada
Alex McDonald 43 Farmer Great Britain Canada
Geo Simpson 31 Merchant Great Britain United States
John Lord 21 Merchant Great Britain United States
Chris G Tattersall 25 Merchant Great Britain United States
Jno C. Beffenstien (or Beffinstien) 40 Late in the Army Great Britain Canada
Sampson Fordge 25 Collier Great Britain United States
Solomon Fordge 27 Collier Great Britain United States
Anna Fordge 32 none Great Britain United States
William Shepherd 34 Merchant Great Britain United States
Sarah Kendall 27 none Great Britain United States
Mrs. Dunlop 48 none Great Britain United States
Janet Dunlop 12 none Great Britain United States
Matthew Dunlop 14 none Great Britain United States
Joseph Tutton 30 Servant Great Britain Canada

Transcribed by Joe Beine, April 2003, from National Archives microfilm #M237-1; List #89

Like any transcription of old handwritten records this list may contain errors. You should check the microfilmed copy of the original record. Also see... Ship Lady Gallatin List - Liverpool to New York 1820

May be helpful...
New York Passenger Lists Guide 1820-1957

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